Andy: Doesn’t it Make you sick? We Bust our butts around here and the boss brings in his nephew to be the new manager.
Nia: You never know. He may be a good boss.
Andy: I doubt it. He’s getting this opportunity just because he Was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He didn’t have To pull himself up by his bootstraps like the rest of us.
Nia: I’m going to wait and see how he is as a manager. I’m hoping to be Pleasantly surprised.
Andy: If you’re a Blue blood like he is, born into Privilege and Old money, you can Do no wrong.
Nia: That’s not true. He’ll be Held accountable for how this department performs.
Andy: But when does somebody like me Get a break? Okay, I was born on the Wrong side of the tracks. I grew up in a White trash neighborhood. So what? I’ve worked hard to get where I am now. That guy hasn’t Paid his dues like I have.
Nia: You can complain all you want, but it doesn’t change the situation. He’s the new boss and we work for him. Get used to it.
Andy: Get used to it?! Not on your life!
Topic my parents.
Топик школьная жизнь.
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Advantages and Disadvantages in Life