A well dressed businessman got into a Manhattan cab and asked to be taken to LaGuardia. While stuck in the traffic jam, the businessman leaned forward and said, «How’s your spirit of adventure?» «What do you mean?» «Well, I have to be in Chicago for a meeting, but the thought of flying there just bores me to tears. Why not drive me there? The meeting is only an hour. I’ll pay the gas, tolls, your hotel room, meals, and then you can drive me back tomorrow.» The driver said, «Sure, why not?» and off they went. They motored through Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and finally into Chicago. The businessman did his meeting (while the cabbie waited) came out, got back into the cab and they took off to the hotel. They shared a huge meal, the businessman paid for two rooms. The next morning, they took off back towards Manhattan. When they arrived, the meter read $4,632.85. When they got back to the businessman’s office, the man told the cabbie, «Let me go in the bank here and I’ll get you a certified check. I’ll make it for $5000 so you’ll get a sizable tip for your trouble.» «Great,» the cab driver said, «Thanks.» «One last thing. When I give you the check, I’d like you to drive me home, please.» «Where’s that?» «Brooklyn.» «No way!!! I’d have to drive back over the bridge without a passenger!»
Means of communication.
My future career.
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A well dressed businessman got into a Manhattan cab