A man is walking along one day and he comes upon a ladder. Looking up, he sees that the ladder disappears into the clouds. Curious, he begins to climb. Before long, he is *in* the clouds. He looks around and sees the most horribly ugly woman he has ever seen in his life. Obese, snaggle-toothed, matted hair….. She looks at him, beckons, and says, «Have sex with me, or climb the ladder to success.» Well, having no intention of doing *anything* with this woman, the man climbs higher up the ladder. A bit further on, he comes upon a woman slightly less ugly than the woman before. Not attractive, by any means, but not repugnant. «Have sex with me, or climb the ladder to success, «she says. Again, the man elects to continue his climb. Before long, he comes upon another woman. This one is actually attractive. Not a knock-out, but very pleasing. «Have sex with me, or climb the ladder to success.» Well, he figures the women keep getting better and better looking as he gets higher and higher. So he decides to continue climbing. A bit farther up is the most gorgeous woman he’s ever seen in his life! Miss America beautiful. In a sultry voice she says, «Have sex with me, or climb the ladder to success.» Well, needless to say he is *very* tempted. But he just can’t imagine what could top this woman, so he decides to climb higher. On the next cloud up is a horrid 500 lb man. You can see the lice in his hair, he stinks, his clothes are ratty….. «Who are you?» our climber asks in horror. Grinning a toothless grin, the man looks at him and says, «Hi. I’m Cess.
Тема ecology.
The bolshoi theatre is one of the most.
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A man is walking along one day and he comes upon a ladder