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Значение идиомы toy with an
[toy with an] or [the idea] {v. phr.} To consider an idea or anoffer periodically without coming to a decision.
He was toying withthe idea of accepting the company’s offer of the vice presidency inTokyo, but he was unable to decide.
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- Tough sellDespite his best sales pitch, a life-insurance salesman was unable to get a couple to sign up for a policy. “I certainly don’t want to frighten you into a decision,” he announced, standing up to leave… “Please sleep on it tonight, and if you wake up in the morning, let me know what you think.”...
- The Political System of the USAWashington, the capital of the United States, is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The district is a piece of land which doesn’t belong to any state but to all the states. Under the Constitution, the federal government is divided into three branches. The legislative power is vested in Congress and […]...
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- Значение идиомы come out for[come out for] {v. phr.} To support; declare oneself in favor of another, especially during a political election. Candidates for the presidency of the United States are anxious for the major newspapers to come out for them....
- Значение идиомы see reason[see reason] {v. phr.} To think or act sensibly, especially afterrealizing what the facts are on a certain matter and accepting adviceabout it. He finally saw reason and reshaped his sales strategy bylowering the prices as his older brother had suggested....
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- Значение идиомы choke up[choke up] {v.} 1a. To come near losing calmness or self-control from strong feeling; be upset by your feelings. When one speaker after another praised John, he choked up and couldn’t thank them. When Father tried to tell me how glad he was to see me safe after the accident, he choked up and was […]...