[through thick and thin] {adv. phr.} Through all difficulties andtroubles; through good times and bad times.
The friends werefaithful through thick and thin.
George stayed in college throughthick and thin, because he wanted an education.
Мое любимое блюдо на английском языке.
Sport in our life.
Related topics:
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- About myself (7)My name is… I am seventeen (sixteen, eighteen). I live in Rostov-on-Don. My address is… My telephone number is… I am tall (not very tall, short, of middle height). I am thin (not very thin, rather plump). My face is round (square, oval). I have a fair (dark) complexion. My forehead is narrow (broad) and ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы come what may[come what may] {adv. phr.} Even if troubles come; no matter what happens; in spite of opposition or mischance. Charles has decided to get a college education, come what may. The editor says we will publish the school paper this week, come what may....
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- Значение идиомы all hours[all hours] {n. phr.}, {informal} Late or irregular times. The boy’s mother said he must stop coming home for meals at all hours. He stayed up till all hours of the night to finish his school work....
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- Значение идиомы crop up[crop up] {v.} To come without warning; appear or happen unexpectedly. Problems cropped up almost every day when Mr. Reed was building his TV station. Serious trouble cropped up just when Martin thought the problem of his college education was solved. Compare: TURN UP....
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Значение идиомы through thick and thin