Значение идиомы take up

[take up] {v.} 1. To remove by taking in.

Use a blotter to takeup the spilled ink.

When the vacuum cleaner bag is full, it willnot take up dirt from the rug.

2. To fill or to occupy.

All hisevenings were taken up with study.

The oceans take up the greaterpart of the earth’s surface.

The mayor has taken up residence onState Street.

3. To gather together; collect.

We are taking up acollection to buy flowers for John because he is in the hospital.

4.To take away.

John had his driver’s license taken up for speeding.

5a. To begin; start.

The teacher took up the lesson where she leftoff yesterday.

5b. To begin to do or learn; go into as a job orhobby.

He recently took up gardening.

He took up thecarpenter’s trade as a boy.

Compare: GO INTO, GO IN FOR, TAKE TO.6. To pull and make tight or shorter; shorten.

The tailor took upthe legs of the trousers.

Take up the slack on the rope!

Compare:TAKE IN. 7. To take or accept something that is offered.

Theboss offered me a $5 raise and I took him up.

I took John up onhis bet.

Compare: JUMP AT.

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Значение идиомы take up