[shut out] {v.} 1. To prevent from coming in; block.
DuringWorld War II, Malta managed to shut out most of the Italian and Germanbombers by throwing up an effective anti-aircraft screen.
The boyswere annoyed by Tom’s telling club secrets and shut him out of theirmeeting.
2. To prevent from scoring throughout anentire game.
The Dodgers shut out the Reds, 5-0.
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Related topics:
- Значение идиомы shut off[shut off] {v.} 1. To make stop coming. Please shut off the hose before the grass gets toowet. Compare: TURN OFF. 2. To be apart; be separated from; also toseparate from. Our camp is so far from the highway we feel shut offfrom the world when we are there. The sow is so bad tempered ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы shut up[shut up] {v.} 1. {informal} To stop talking. Little Ruthie toldFather about his birthday surprise before Mother could shut her up. -Often used as a command; usually considered rude. Shut up and letJoe say something. If you’ll shut up for a minute, I’ll tell youour plan. Syn.: BUTTON YOUR LIP, DRY UP, KEEP ONE’S MOUTH ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы button one’s lip[button one’s lip] also [zip one’s lip] {v. phr.}, {slang} To stop talking; keep a secret; shut your mouth; be quiet. The man was getting loud and insulting and the cop told him to button his lip. John wanted to talk, but Dan told him to keep his lip buttoned. Syn.: KEEP ONE’S MOUTH SHUT, ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы know if one is coming or going[know if one is coming or going] or [know whether one is coming orgoing] {v. phr.} To feel able to think clearly; know what to do. — Usually used in the negative or with limiters. On Monday, the carbroke down; on Tuesday, Mother broke her arm; on Wednesday, thechildren all became ill with the mumps; ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы ways and means[ways and means] {n. plural} Methods of getting something done orgetting money; how something can be done and paid for. The boyswere trying to think of ways and means to go camping for the weekend. The United States Senate has a committee on ways and means....
- Значение идиомы smoke screen[smoke screen] {n. phr.} A camouflage; a veil; something used tocover or hide something. June hides her commercial interests behinda smoke screen of religious piety....
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- Перевод слова ItalianItalian — итальянский; итальянец, итальянка Перевод слова Appetence for the Italian art — приверженность итальянскому искусству Italian roof — архит. покатая крыша the Italians — итальянцы He prefers shoes of Italian derivation. Он предпочитает туфли итальянского производства. Miss pronounces Italian very Americanly. Мисс произносит итальянские слова слишком по-американски. It is his Italian accent that distinguishes ... Читать далее...
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- Пословица / поговорка lock the barn door after the horse is stolen / shut the stable door when the steed is stolen — перевод и значение, пример использованияПословица / поговорка: lock the barn door after the horse is stolen / shut the stable door when the steed is stolen Перевод: запереть конюшню после того, как лошадь украли (т. е. принимать меры предосторожности слишком поздно) Эквивалент в русском языке: задним умом крепок Пример: The stadium managers tried to stop people from entering the ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы close the door[close the door] or [bar the door] or [shut the door] {v. phr.} To prevent any more action or talk about a subject. The President’s veto closed the door to any new attempt to pass the bill. Joan was much hurt by what Mary said, and she closed the door on Mary’s attempt to apologize. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы knock one’s block off[knock one’s block off] {v. phr.}, {slang} To hit someone veryhard; beat someone up. Stay out of my yard or I’ll knock your blockoff. Jim will knock your block off if he catches you riding hisbike....
- Значение идиомы throw something in one’s face[throw something in one’s face] or [throw something in one’s teeth]{v. phr.} To blame a person for ; not allow someoneto forget. — Often used with «back». Bobcame home late for dinner last week, and his mother keeps throwing itback in his face. I made a mistake in the ball game and the boyskeep throwing ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы I’m telling you[I’m telling you] {informal} It is important to listen to what I amsaying. Marian is a smart girl but I’m telling you, she doesn’talways do what she promises....
- Значение идиомы writer’s block[writer’s block] {n. phr.} A condition of being unable to write; aperiod when the words just won’t come. One of the more commonproblems writers occasionally experience is a writer’s block that maylast a shorter or a longer time. They say that the reason forErnest Hemingway’s suicide was a severe and seemingly endless writer’sblock....
- Значение идиомы have it coming[have it coming] {v. phr.} To deserve the good or bad things thathappen to you. I feel sorry about Jack’s failing that course, buthe had it coming to him. Everybody said that Eve had it comingwhen she won the scholarship. Compare: ASK FOR, GET WHAT’S COMING TOONE, SERVE RIGHT....
Значение идиомы shut out