[open-door policy] {n. phr.} A policy that states that newcomersare welcome to join the company, firm, or country in question.
During the nineteenth century the United States had an open-doorpolicy regarding immigration.
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- Значение идиомы open the door[open the door] {v. phr.} To allow more action or discussion; givea chance. Learning to read and write opens the door to a better joband better living conditions. Raising the tax rates will open thedoor to more help for older people. Contrast: CLOSE THE DOOR. Compare: OPEN ITS DOORS....
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- Значение идиомы foot in the door[foot in the door] {n. phr.}, {informal} The first step towardgetting or doing something; a start toward success; opening. Don’tlet Jane get her foot in the door by joining the club or soon she’llwant to be president....
- Значение идиомы lay the blame at one’s door[lay the blame at one’s door] {v. phr.} To say that another personor group is responsible for one’s own failure. The angry coach laidthe blame at the door of the players when our college lost thebasketball game....
- Значение идиомы open secret[open secret] {n.} Something that is supposed to be a secret butthat everyone knows. It is an open secret that Mary and John areengaged. Who will be appointed as the next president of thecollege is an open secret....
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- Значение идиомы open the floodgates[open the floodgates] {v. phr.} To let loose an outburst of humanactivity or emotion. It would open the floodgates of anger anddiscontent if the university raised tuition too soon....
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- Значение идиомы open marriage[open marriage] {n. phr.} An arrangement by mutual agreementbetween husband and wife whereby they are both allowed to haveextramarital affairs. Chances are the open marriage arrangementthey had didn’t work out too well so they are getting a divorce....
- Значение идиомы open-minded[open-minded] {adj.} Having no dogmatic or biased views on mattersof theory, religion, politics, etc. Fred is easy to talk to aboutanything; he is a highly intelligent and open-minded person....
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- Перевод идиомы lay something at someone’s door, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: lay something at someone’s door Перевод: возлагать вину за что-либо на кого-либо; винить кого-либо за что-либо Пример: The error in the notice about the date of our next meeting must be laid at my door. Ошибка в объявлении о дате нашего следующего собрания должна быть возложена на меня....
- Значение идиомы lock the barn door after the horse is stolen[lock the barn door after the horse is stolen] To be careful or tryto make something safe when it is too late. — A proverb. After Maryfailed the examination, she said she would study hard after that. Shewanted to lock the barn door after the horse was stolen....
Значение идиомы open-door policy