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- Значение идиомы flash card[flash card] {n.} A card with numbers or words on it that is usedin teaching, a class. The teacher used flash cards to drill theclass in addition....
- Перевод слова cardCard — карточка, пластиковая карта, открытка, визитка Перевод слова Credit card — кредитная карта greeting card — поздравительная открытка postal card — почтовая карточка, открытка That’s the Card. Вот это именно то, что нужно. Let’s play Cards. Давайте играть в карты. Can I pay by credit Card? Могу ли я заплатить кредитной картой?...
- Значение идиомы trump card[trump card] {n.} Something kept back to be used to win success ifnothing else works. The coach saved his star pitcher for a trumpcard. Mary had several ways to get Joan to come to her party. Hertrump card was that the football captain would be there....
- Значение идиомы bingo card[bingo card] {n.}, {slang} A response card, bound into a periodical, containing numbers keyed to editorial or advertising matter, giving the reader the opportunity to send for further information by marking the numbers of the items he is interested in; such a card can be mailed free of charge. Jack thinks he is saving time ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы charge up[charge up] {v. phr.} 1. To submit to a flow of electricity in order to make functional. I mustn’t forget to charge up my razor before we go on our trip. 2. To use up all the available credit one has on one’s credit card. «Let’s charge dinner on the Master Card,» Jane said. «Unfortunately ... Читать далее...
- Wrong cardAt the card shop: A woman was spending a long time looking at the cards, finally shaking her head, «No.» A clerk came over and asked, «May I help you?» «I don’t know,» said the woman. «Do you have any ‘Sorry I laughed at your dick’ cards?»...
- A peculiar birthday cardThis blonde goes into the drugstore looking for a birthday card. She asks the clerk if they have any new and different cards — something unusual. The clerk points her to a new card just in that day — «Happy Birthday to the Boy who Popped My Cherry.» The blonde replied, «How cool! I’ll take ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы card up one’s sleeve[card up one’s sleeve] {n. phr.}, {informal} Another help, plan, or argument kept back and produced if needed; another way to do something. John knew his mother would lend him money if necessary, but he kept that card up his sleeve. Bill always has a card up his sleeve, so when his first plan failed ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы Christmas card[Christmas card] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen’s band radio jargon} A speeding ticket. Smokey just gave a Christmas card to the eighteen wheeler we passed....
- Значение идиомы drawing card[drawing card] {n.} The most important figure in a multi-person event; the top entertainer during a show; the best professor or researcher at a university, etc. During the concert series Barbra Streisand was the biggest drawing card....
- Перевод слова creditCredit — доверие; кредит, долг Перевод слова To lose credit — потерять доверие he is a man of credit — он человек, пользующийся хорошей репутацией credit card — кредитная карта This is much Credit to you. Это большая честь для вас. He is a man of the highest Credit. Он человек отличной репутации. Can I ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы card up one’s sleeve, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: card up one’s sleeve Перевод: припрятанный козырь, карта в рукаве; довод, аргумент, план, намерение, которое будет использовано в будущем в случае необходимости Пример: I think that our boss has a card up his sleeve and he will be able to help us later. Думаю, у нашего начальника есть на руках пара козырей, и потом ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы lay one’s cards on the table[lay one’s cards on the table] or [lay down one’s cards] or [putone’s cards on the table] {v. phr.}, {informal} To let someone knowyour position and interest openly; deal honestly; act without trickeryor secrets. In talking about buying the property, Peterson laid hiscards on the table about his plans for it. Some of the graduatesof ... Читать далее...
- Having Bad CreditAlisha: This is the second time I’ve been Turned down for a credit card in a month. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. James: Have you checked your Credit report recently? Maybe you have a bad Credit rating. Alisha: I have a full-time job with a good Income, which they can easily Verify, and ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы stack the cards[stack the cards] {v. phr.} 1. To arrange cards secretly anddishonestly for the purpose of cheating. The gambler had stackedthe cards against Bill. 2. To arrange things unfairly for or againsta person; have things so that a person has an unfair advantage ordisadvantage; make sure in an unfair way that things will happen. — Usually ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы play one’s cards right[play one’s cards right] or [play one’s cards well] {v. phr.},{informal} To use abilities and opportunities so as to be successful;act cleverly; make the best use of your place or skills. Thatmillionaire started with very little but showed a skill in playing hiscards right. People liked Harold, and he played his cards well — and ... Читать далее...
- Accepting Credit CardsDanny: Are you sure we should start accepting credit cards from our customers? We’ve always been a Cash-only business. Katy: I think we need to for the convenience of our customers. It won’t be as big a Nuisance as you think, with this new Cash register. Danny: The instructions say the Merchant has to swipe ... Читать далее...
- Перевод сленгового выражения wild card, значение и пример использованияСленговое выражение: wild card Перевод: «дикая карта» — непредсказуемый, непредвиденный фактор; неожиданное событие, обстоятельство; неожиданность, случайность Пример: A surprise witness proved to be the wild card at the trial. На слушаниях неожиданный свидетель оказался непредвиденным фактором....
- Значение идиомы house of cards[house of cards] {n. phr.} Something badly put together and easilyknocked down; a poorly founded plan, hope, or action. John’sbusiness fell apart like a house of cards....
- Значение идиомы pay down[pay down] {v. phr.} 1. To give as a deposit on some purchase, therest of which is to be paid in periodic installments. «How much canyou pay down on the house, sir?» the realtor asked. 2. To decrease adebt with periodical payments. I’d like to pay down the charges onmy credit cards. Compare: DOWN PAYMENT....
- Значение идиомы in a flash[in a flash] also [in a trice] {adv. phr.} Very suddenly. Wewere watching the bird eat the crumbs; then I sneezed, and he was gonein a flash. Bob was looking over his notes for English class andin a flash he knew what he would write his paper about....
- Значение идиомы flash in the pan[flash in the pan] {n. phr.}, {slang} A person or thing that startsout well but does not continue. The new quarterback was a flash inthe pan. Mary got 100 on the first test in arithmetic but it wasjust a flash in the pan because she failed in arithmetic....
- Значение идиомы do credit[do credit] or [do credit to] also [do proud] To add to or improve the reputation, good name, honor, or esteem of; show deserve praise. Your neat appearance does you credit. Mary’s painting would do credit to a real artist....
- Значение идиомы put one’s money on a scratched horse[put one’s money on a scratched horse] {v. phr.}, {informal} To beton a certain failure; to gamble without a chance of winning. Youbet on the New York Mets to win the World Series? Why put your moneyon a scratched horse? Compare: STACK THE CARDS....
- Перевод идиомы house of cards, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: house of cards Перевод: карточный домик; ненадежное положение, план; что-либо, не очень надежное Пример: The peace agreement between the two countries was like a house of cards and fell apart as soon as a minor problem occurred. Мирное соглашение между двумя странами было карточным домиком, и он распался сразу, как только возникла незначительная проблема....
- Перевод идиомы quick as a flash, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: quick as a flash Перевод: очень быстро; быстро, как молния Пример: I was able to get out of the house as quick as a flash and go to work. Я смог очень быстро выйти из дома и пойти на работу....
- Returning a DVD PlayerI bought a new DVD player last weekend. When I got home and Hooked it up, I realized that it was Defective. I Trudged back to the store to return it. Clerk: Next, please. Jeff: Hi, I bought this DVD player last Saturday and I’d like to Return it. Clerk: What’s the reason for the ... Читать далее...
- Returning a DVD PlayerI bought a new DVD player last weekend. When I got home and Hooked it up, I realized that it was Defective. I Trudged back to the store to return it. Clerk: Next, please. Jeff: Hi, I bought this DVD player last Saturday and I’d like to Return it. Clerk: What’s the reason for the ... Читать далее...
- Being in DebtChang: I don’t mean to be nosey, but all of those bills are red or pink. Are you Behind on all of those bills? Ilya: I am, but it’s no big deal. I can catch up on them next month. Chang: You know that being late on bills is bad for your credit score, right? ... Читать далее...
- Ways to PayI was at the store, and when the clerk finished Ringing me up, I had a few problems. Clerk: Your total comes to $79.42. Peter: Do you take Credit cards? Clerk: Yes, we take Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Peter: Here’s my Visa. Clerk: Hmm…I’m sorry but your card has been Declined. Peter: Oh, I ... Читать далее...
- Ways to PayI was at the store, and when the clerk finished Ringing me up, I had a few problems. Clerk: Your total comes to $79.42. Peter: Do you take Credit cards? Clerk: Yes, we take Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Peter: Here’s my Visa. Clerk: Hmm…I’m sorry but your card has been Declined. Peter: Oh, I ... Читать далее...
- Ending a Restaurant MealServer: Can I Clear these plates and get them Out of your way? Alvin: Sure, we’re all done. Can I get the rest of that in a Doggie bag? Server: No problem. I’ll Wrap it up for you. Is there anything else I can get you? Did you Leave room for dessert? How about some ... Читать далее...
- Using Different Payment SystemsPetra: Damn! That didn’t work either. Ken: What are you doing? Petra: I’m trying to pay for a new service I ordered, but the website won’t accept my Credit card as Payment. I even tried my Debit card, but it’s been Rejected, too. Ken: Why don’t you just write a Check and mail it in? ... Читать далее...
- Using Different Payment SystemsPetra: Damn! That didn’t work either. Ken: What are you doing? Petra: I’m trying to pay for a new service I ordered, but the website won’t accept my Credit card as Payment. I even tried my Debit card, but it’s been Rejected, too. Ken: Why don’t you just write a Check and mail it in? ... Читать далее...
- Using Frequent Flyer MilesAnne: Where were you this past weekend? I tried calling you on Friday to see if you wanted to go to the movies with me. Jurgen: I was in Chicago for a Long weekend. Anne: Chicago? I didn’t know you were planning a trip. I thought you were pretty Strapped this month. A ticket to ... Читать далее...
- Card gamesA cleaning woman was applying for a new position. When asked why had she left her previous employment, she replied, «Yes, sir, they paid good wages, but it was the most ridiculous place I ever worked. Last night they played a game called Bridge and a lot of folks were there. As I was about ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы in the cards[in the cards] also [on the cards] {adj. phr.}, {informal} To beexpected; likely to happen; foreseeable; predictable. It was in thecards for the son to succeed his father as head of the business. John finally decided that it wasn’t in the cards for him to succeedwith that company....
- Значение идиомы get credit for[get credit for] {v. phr.} To be given points of merit, recognition, or praise for labor or intellectual contribution. Ourfirm got a lot of credit for developing parts of the space shuttle. Contrast: GIVE CREDIT FOR....
Значение идиомы card