Karam: You and Daniel have been dating for over a year. Are you guys thinking of Tying the knot?
Raphaela: I’m not sure. Neither Daniel nor I believe in following Conventions. We’re both open to an Unconventional relationship.
Karam: What kind of unconventional relationship?
Raphaela: Many different kinds. We’re very Open-minded.
Karam: Okay, for instance, would you guys be open to Polygamy? Somehow I can’t Picture either of you sharing your Spouse with someone else.
Raphaela: Well, no, I don’t think that would be right for us. The more people involved in a relationship, the more difficult it becomes, I think.
Karam: Then you wouldn’t be open to an Open marriage.
Raphaela: That’s probably not something I’d want.
Karam: The only other unconventional marriages I can think of are Arranged marriages and May-December romances. Neither of those Applies to you and Daniel. Am I missing something?
Raphaela: Well, we’d be open to Living apart. We’re both very independent and would want To retain that independence.
Karam: Ah, then there’s my answer. I know what kind of unconventional marriage you’d have.
Raphaela: What?
Karam: A relationship without Cohabitating? Dating.
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