Some problems
A woman gives birth by a Caesarian and passes out. When she comes to her senses, the doctor approaches her bed and says: “I’m sorry to tell you, Mrs. Smith, that your baby has some serious problems.” “What problems, doctor? I mean, when it arrives, I’ll love it. It’s my child and I’ll love it regardless.” “Well, yes, of course,… but your child has no legs.” “Oh dear. Well, it’s my child, and I’ll love it regardless.” “And it hasn’t got any arms either.” “What?” “Exactly what I said. Your child doesn’t have a body, or a face. In fact, your child is only a very, very big ear.” The woman is in anguish, but she still tells the doctor to bring her her son. “Sonny, dear, it’s me your mother! Do you hear me!?” “There is no need to scream,” says the doctor “it’s deaf.”





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