Jane: You have to watch this movie. It’s so good!
Hercule: I’m not really into Mysteries.
Jane: But this is a really good Whodunit.
Hercule: I prefer action movies.
Jane: Listen, the movie gives you plenty of Clues, and the Detective follows Hunch after hunch, Lead after lead, but the movie is full of Red herrings. Everybody seems to have an Alibi and the Witnesses aren’t reliable.
Hercule: I don’t know. It seems kind of confusing to me. I don’t really want to use my brain when I’m watching a movie.
Jane: But that’s the fun part of it. The true identity of the Victim is a mystery, the Suspects all Have skeletons in their closets, and the detective isn’t what he seems.
Hercule: Yeah, well…
Jane: And just when you think you’re Getting to the bottom of it, the Rug gets pulled out from under you. It Keeps you guessing until the very end. Hey, where are you going?
Hercule: I’m going to find an action movie where all my brain has to do is handle the Sensory overload!
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Solving a Mystery