Snooping and Eavesdropping
Enrique: I don’t know how you Talked me into coming with you to Dan’s apartment To rifle through his papers. This Snooping is stupid! If you have Suspicions, you should just talk to him.
Stella: Confront him without any evidence? That would be the Height of stupidity.
Enrique: Instead, we’re Holed up in this closet until he leaves. I thought you said he wouldn’t be home until 6:00.
Stella: That’s what I thought. Just Sit tight. I think he just came home to pick something up. He’ll be gone in a minute.
Enrique: I don’t like Confined spaces. If we don’t Make a break for it soon, I’m going to Suffocate.
Stella: Stop your Kvetching. Now that we’re here, maybe we can do better than looking through his papers. We can Eavesdrop on his conversations.
Enrique: Have you Lost your mind? Do you know what he would do to us if he found us here?
Stella: No guts, no glory!
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