Kerry: We’re almost done with the shopping. We just need some Underwear for you and some Unmentionables for me.
Russell: It’s perfectly acceptable for women to buy men’s underwear, but do I have to go into the Lingerie store? All of the women in the store laugh at me.
Kerry: No, they don’t. I just need a few things. Here we are. Okay, I need a new Bra with Underwire, and I need a Strapless one, too. Do you see any in a B Cup?
Russell: I’m not helping you look. I’m standing over here where nobody can see me.
Kerry: Fine. Let’s see, I need some Panties and a Slip, too. Oh, these Pantyhose are on sale.
Russell: Can you please hurry up? That woman over there is Snickering.
Kerry: She’s only laughing because you look so uncomfortable. Okay, I’m done. Let’s go get your underwear.
Russell: Thank God! I just need some new Boxers with a comfortable Waistband and a Button fly.
Kerry: I thought you liked the Boxer briefs I bought before, you know, the Seamless ones.
Russell: I tried them, but they were too small. I think I’d actually like to try some regular Briefs. Here are some over here.
Kerry: You’d better look again. Those are G-strings. If you insist on buying those, it’ll be my turn to hide.
Writing a postcard.
Гарри поттер на английском с переводом.
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Shopping for Underwear