Rabbi Stern rides his bike down the road, when a truck careens around = the corner, out of control, and broadsides the Rabbi.
Father Flannery watches this event unfold, and as he runs toward the = Rabbi, he notices that Rabbi Stern first touches his forehead, then his = stomach, then each shoulder. As Father Flannery reaches the Rabbi, he = kneels and makes the sign of the cross himself.
«Rabbi, I notice that you crossed yourself after getting up from the = accident. It’s a miracle, must be! Have you seen the light? Do you = believe, man?»
«Aw, heck no!» replied Rabbi Stern, «I was just checking.»
«Checking? Checking for what?»
Rabbi Stern begins the ritual again, and follows each movement with: = «Spectacles… Testicles… Wallet… Watch!»
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Rabbi Stern rides his bike down the road, when