Tourist — турист Перевод слова
Tourist-class passenger — пассажир туристического класса
tourist season — туристический сезон
tourist visa — туристическая виза
The museums attract a lot of Tourists.
Музеи привлекают множество туристов.
The Tourist had a foreign accent.
Турист говорил с иностранным акцентом.
We specialize in catering for Tourist bus tours.
Мы специализируемся на обслуживании экскурсионных автобусных туров.
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Stereotypes topic.
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- Getting a Visa to TravelYesenia: I have a great idea. Let’s plan a big party for your mother’s 70th birthday. We’ll invite all of your Relatives from all over the world. Julian: I don’t think very many of them can afford to travel half way around the world for a party. Yesenia: I’ve already spoken with your rich brother ... Читать далее...
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Перевод слова tourist