Student — студент, курсант Перевод слова
Student-curated exhibition — выставка, организованная студентами
student demonstration — студенческая демонстрация
student driver — лицо, обучающееся вождению
She was an average Student.
Она была обычной студенткой.
Assign each Student a partner.
Назначьте каждому студенту напарника.
He is a Student of the occult.
Он изучает оккультизм.
Pets create a very special.
History of london topic.
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- Studying abroad: student exchange programs — Обучение за рубежом: программы международного обменаToday more and more people are interested in studying foreign languages. In my view, studying abroad is a great experience and its benefits are indisputable. Thus, foreign student exchange programs are a great way for students world-wide to experience life in another country. To begin with, as a student residing, you are totally immersed in ... Читать далее...
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Перевод слова student