Store — магазин; припасы, снабжать, хранить Перевод слова
Clothing store — магазин готового платья
war stores — боеприпасы
to store a ship with provisions — снабдить судно провиантом
facts stored away in the memory — факты, хранимые в памяти
What did you get at the toy Store?
Что вы купили в магазине игрушек?
I need a place to Store my stuff.
Мне нужно где-то хранить свои вещи.
He walked to the Store.
Он пошел в магазин пешком.
Тема по английскому leisure time.
Topic school uniform.
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- The Home Improvement StoreWhen you own a house, there is always something that Needs work. I have been Putting off repainting the Garage and I decided that I would do it this weekend. I went to the Home improvement store early in the morning to get the Supplies I’d need. I walked into the Huge store and began ... Читать далее...
- The Home Improvement StoreWhen you own a house, there is always something that Needs work. I have been Putting off repainting the Garage and I decided that I would do it this weekend. I went to the Home improvement store early in the morning to get the Supplies I’d need. I walked into the Huge store and began ... Читать далее...
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- Talking About InventoryForeman: Okay, people. Listen up. This is your first day on the job in this Warehouse and you need to know what we do here. This warehouse keeps all of the Stock for the 10 stores in this region. We get merchandise from the Supplier and it’s our job to organize it and Store it ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова deviceDevice — устройство, приспособление, прибор Перевод слова Listening device — подслушивающее устройство detonating device — детонатор plot device — двигатель сюжета Metaphor is a common literary Device. Метафора-это распространенный литературный прием. The store sells TVs, VCRs, and other electronic Devices. Магазин продает телевизоры, видеомагнитофоны и другие электронные устройства. The Device meets safety standards. Прибор соответствует ... Читать далее...
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Перевод слова store