Paying an Unexpected Visit
Lorraine: Hi, this is a surprise. To what do I owe this pleasure?
Terrance: Can’t I just Drop in on my little sister Unannounced to see how she is? I was just in this Neck of the woods and thought I would Pay you a visit.
Lorraine: Sure you were. Of course, I’m glad to see you, but this is just a little Out of the blue.
Terrance: What do you mean?
Lorraine: I haven’t seen you in over five months, and you just Happened to be in the neighborhood?
Terrance: Well, I wasn’t exactly in the neighborhood, but I wanted to see my favorite sister.
Lorraine: Your only sister. Okay, Out with it. What are you doing here?
Terrance: Uh, well, I was thinking of taking a year off from school To pursue my art. I really feel I need To devote some time to my painting to see if I can Make it as an artist.
Lorraine: Mom and Dad are not going to like that.
Terrance: I know and That’s where you come in.
Lorraine: You want me To run interference for you with Mom and Dad.
Terrance: Yeah, they would Take it a lot better coming from you, don’t you think?
Lorraine: No, I don’t.
Terrance: You’ve always been the responsible one…I’m just saying…
Lorraine: And I’m just saying that I’m not going to do your Dirty work for you!
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