Jordan: Excuse me, my girlfriend was brought into the hospital about two hours ago, but I can’t find her.
Admissions Clerk: Why was she brought into the hospital?
Jordan: I’m not sure. I got a call from her coworker, but she didn’t give me any details.
Admissions Clerk: If it weren’t an accident, then she wouldn’t be in the Emergency room or the Trauma unit.
Jordan: It may have been her heart. She has a Heart condition.
Admissions Clerk: Then she might be in the Cardiology department. If she is in severe condition, she’ll be in the ICU.
Jordan: It may also be the baby. She’s Pregnant.
Admissions Clerk: Then she might be in the Obstetrics and Gynecology department. And if the baby has been born, it would be in the Neonatal unit.
Jordan: I’m just not sure where to go. Maybe I’ll start in the cardiology department.
Admissions Clerk: That’s fine. Go past the Neurology and Oncology departments and it’s on your right. If you see the Burn unit, then you’ve gone too far.
Jordan: You can’t Look her up for me to see if she’s been Admitted?
Admissions Clerk: I’m sorry, but our computer systems are down right now. If you wait until they’re up again, I can try to find her for you.
Jordan: And Go out of my mind worrying? No thanks. I’m going to find her, even if I have to look behind every Bedpan!
Достопримечательности в нью-йорке на английском языке.
Families conflicts.
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