After a long tiring day at work, I stopped at a restaurant nearby for a quick meal.
Server: Hi, I’m Ursula. Can I get you something to drink?
Paulo: Yes, I’d like an iced tea and I’m also ready to order. I’ll just have a bowl of Soup and a Salad.
Server: Sure, no problem. What kind of soup would you like? We have Chicken noodle, Minestrone, and Cream of mushroom.
Paulo: Do you have something that’s Hearty?
Server: If you want something hearty, I would suggest our Clam chowder or beef Stew.
Paulo: I’ll take a bowl of beef stew.
Server: Great! What kind of salad would you like: a Chef salad, Caesar salad, or Cobb salad?
Paulo: I’ll just have a Garden salad.
Server: Okay, what kind of dressing would you like?
Paulo: What kind do you have?
Server: We have French, Italian, Ranch, Thousand Island, and Vinaigrette.
Paulo: Do you have Blue cheese?
Server: Oh yes, I forgot to mention blue cheese. Okay, that’s a bowl of beef stew and a garden salad with blue cheese dressing. Will that be all?
Paulo: Yes, that’s all.
By the time I had finished placing my order, I was even more tired. Do you sometimes feel that life gives you Too many choices?
По английскому за и против телефона.
Топик my working day.
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- Значение идиомы duck soup[duck soup] {n.}, {slang} 1. A task easily accomplished or one that does not require much effort. That history test was duck soup. 2. A person who offers no resistance; a pushover. How’s the new history teacher? — He’s duck soup....
- A bowl of chiliA homeless man walks into a diner with enough change for a cup of coffee. Seated next to him at the counter, was a well-dressed man with a bowl of chili in front of him. A few minutes later, finishing his cup of coffee, the homeless man begins to notice that the stranger next to ... Читать далее...
Ordering Soups and Salads