Renaldo: Hello, may I speak to Simone Otto?
Simone: This is Simone. May I ask who’s calling?
Renaldo: This is Renaldo Garcia at Cinetect. You Interviewed for a position with me last week.
Simone: Oh, yes, of course. How are you?
Renaldo: I’m doing well. The reason I’m calling is that I was very impressed with you last week, and I’d like to offer you the job.
Simone: Thank you very much. I’m delighted to hear it. I really appreciate the Job offer.
Renaldo: I think we now need to talk about Salary. What are your Salary requirements?
Simone: Well, for this type of position, I would be looking for a Salary range between $60,000 and $65,000.
Renaldo: Hmm, that’s a bit higher than I was thinking, given our Budget constraints. Perhaps we can give you an attractive Compensation package if the salary isn’t quite what you’re looking for.
Simone: I’m certainly open to Negotiations, though I think that the salary range I named is Comparable to that of similar positions in the field.
Renaldo: All right. Why don’t you Consider this: I can give you a salary of $50,000 and I’ll increase your Annual vacation time from two weeks to three weeks.
Simone: Hmm, I’ll need to think about that…
Renaldo: In this economy, it’s a salary that many people would Jump at.
Simone: I understand that, but I also know that I have a lot to offer your company.
Renaldo: That’s certainly true, and I don’t you to Walk away from this job if there’s any way we can Close the gap in salary.
Simone: If you’re willing To up the offer to $60,000, then I think it may be doable.
Renaldo: Well, $60,000 is really the Ceiling for that position. I’ll have to give it some thought and call you back.
Simone: Please do, and again, thank you very much for the offer. It would be an honor to work with you and to work at Cinetect.
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Negotiating Salary