I was born on the 22nd of March. Birthday is a very remarkable day for me. It is spring and the weather is fine. In the morning my parents come to my room to wake me singing «Happy Birthday, dear Andy». They give me the presents. I like to get them very much. Most people hold their birthday party on their birthdays. Usually, we hold my birthday party on Sunday next to the 22nd of March. Once or twice we went for a picnic on that day, but usually we celebrate it at home. We invite my friends and relatives to the party. I get up early in the morning on that day. My father and I go shopping to the district marketplace and supermarkets. We buy everything we need for the party. My mother stays at home to clean the flat and bake a pie and cakes. Then we lay the table together, put on evening suits and wait for the guests. At about four o’clock my relatives and friends come to congratulate me and I am glad to see them. They bring a bunch of roses for my mother and books, sweets and records for me. I thank my friends for coming and the presents. My aunts usually buy some clothes for me as a birthday present. We have an abundant dinner on this day. Mother brings the birthday cake and I blow the candles out. We dance and sing songs, make jokes and play games. When everybody is tired, we just lie on the floor and tell stories or just listen to the music in my room. I enjoy my birthday party and my friends like this day too.
London диалог.
Diana the people's princess.
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- Eating a Home-Cooked MealLouise: What’s the matter with you? Gil: I just got off the phone with my mom and she says they’re planning a welcome-home party for me next week – at a restaurant! Louise: What’s wrong with that? Gil: After Living abroad for a year, I was really looking forward to a Home-cooked meal. Louise: Why ... Читать далее...
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- Hints and InnuendoRoberta: You know, my birthday is Coming up. John: Yeah, I know. What are you Getting at? Roberta: Nothing. I was just thinking that it’s kind of an important birthday, a major birthday. John: Yes, I know. Spit it out. What are you Driving at? Roberta: I was just thinking that some people might not ... Читать далее...
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- How about a bridal?«We’d like a room, please,» the bloke said, nodding toward his misses. «We were married this morning.» «Congratulations,» the desk clerk said, «how about the bridal?» «No thanks, just a room. I’ll hold her by the ears until she gets the hang of it.»...
My Birthday