Every afternoon before I leave work, I listen to the Traffic report to see if I should take my usual route home or make a Detour. So today, like every day, I turned on my radio.
“It’s a tough Commute today if you’re traveling on I-35 north. There’s a major Slowdown due to an Overturned big rig that’s Blocking the number two lane.”
Oh no. That meant that I had to take the 40W instead.
“If you’re traveling on the 40W, you’ll find a lot of Congestion. It’s Down to one Lane because of a Pileup. Emergency vehicles are responding.”
Wow, that meant I might have to take Surface streets all the way home.
“And if you’re thinking of taking Broadway Boulevard west from downtown, think again. There is a Stalled vehicle blocking the right lane and Construction all the way to Main Street.”
Well, I was in a No-win situation. Do I want to spend two hours in Gridlock or two more hours at work?
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Listening to a Traffic Report