Топик Досуг рассказывает о том, как люди проводят свое свободное время. Кто-то предпочитает просто поспать, но досугом можно распорядиться и по-другому. Можно заняться спортом, сделать много полезных для себя дел или уделить время своему хобби. Хобби надо иметь обязательно – так мы отдыхаем от рутины повседневной жизни.
Everybody sometimes has a free time. Somebody prefers only to sleep in their leisure time, but most of us prefer to do a great number of interesting things. It may be reading, various types of sport games, watching TV, listening to music and so on. If we have a few day or a week we prefer to go to the attractive places. Many people think that pupils and students have too much liesure time, but in my opinion, they are wrong. We are very busy. Many pupils have six or seven lessons a day and go to school five or six days a week. Even during weekend we learn our lessons. And we just have no time to go somewhere. Oldest of us are working after school or institute. As for me, a large part of my free time is devoted to reading. I like to read books about another countries, another times and another worlds. Also I read books about history of our country. Besides reading I like to do physical exercises. Me and my school friends often gather after school and play basketball, football or other active games. But my favorite hobby is travelling. Usually I travel in summer and often it is a trip to the south, to the warm sea. I think all people must have other occupations besides their basic work, because it extends the boundaries of the familar world and teaches us something new about people and things.
School uniform.
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- Computer gamesВ топике Компьютерные игры приводятся аргументы «за» и «против» того, что подростки проводят слишком много времени за компьютером, играя в бесконечные игры. У этого времяпрепровождения есть и плюсы и минусы. Каждый выбирает сам, но можно часть времени посвятить и спорту на свежем воздухе, и встречам с друзьями. Computer games are gaining more and more popularity ... Читать далее...
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Leisure time