I have a dream to be a doctor
В топике У меня есть мечта – стать врачом, я расскажу о том, почему я хочу получить медицинское образование, стать практикующим врачом и работать в больнице. В нашей семье мой дедушка и моя мама – врачи. Мой дедушка – хирург, он очень внимательно относится к своим пациентам и искренне радуется их выздоровлению. Я его очень уважаю и хочу стать таким же хорошим врачом, как он.
I want to become a doctor. I like this profession and I am eager to get a medical education and work at a hospital. It is a good tradition in our family. My mother is a doctor, my grandfather is a doctor and I want to be a doctor, too.
When I was a little boy, my grandfather worked at a hospital and
To operate – is his main task. He is a kind and skilled surgeon. Every day he comes into an operating-room and operates on his in-patients. After each operation he takes care of his in-patients. Day by day he helps them to recover and he is glad when he can say, “My in-patient is quite recovered”. Sometimes he advises his in-patients to go to sanatoriums after leaving the hospital. He instructs them in details what they can do and eat after their operations.
My grandfather tells me a lot of true stories about doctors, their profession, their aid for people. I respect my grandfather. I like his profession and I have a dream to be a doctor, too.





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