Lorenzo: Have you bought a new television yet?
Katia: No, I’m still looking at Consumer reviews and Weighing my options. I’m not sure yet what size I want or what features I need. I’m Keeping my options open for now.
Lorenzo: I thought your old TV stopped working three weeks ago. You still haven’t Made up your mind about buying a new one?
Katia: Oh, I’ve decided to buy a new one. It’s which one I’m going to buy that’s making me Hesitate. There are so many Options to choose from. I want to approach this Logically and decide only after I’ve done the proper Analysis.
Lorenzo: It’s only a TV. It’s not like it’s a house or even a car.
Katia: I know, but I’m the one who has To live with the decision. I’ll look at it every day, and if I don’t make the right decision, it’ll Haunt me for years.
Lorenzo: You know what I think?
Katia: What?
Lorenzo: I think you’re Crippled by Indecision, and you’re Stalling. The sooner you make a decision and buy a new TV, the better.
Katia: Hey, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?
Lorenzo: We’re going to the Electronics store this minute, and you’re buying a TV — today!
Katia: What if I Regret my decision?
Lorenzo: Then I’ll buy you a new one.
Katia: Fine, but I’m Holding you to that!
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Having Trouble Making a Decision