Charlotte: What are you doing in here? The entire Wedding party is looking for you.
Chris: Yeah, I know.
Charlotte: Well, what’s the matter? You’re not getting Cold feet, are you?
Chris: That’s just it. I’m really having Doubts about getting married. What am I doing here? I think I’m about to make the biggest mistake of my life!
Charlotte: Whoa, slow down. You’re just a little Freaked out right now. That’s understandable. Just don’t do anything Rash.
Chris: I have an Irresistible impulse to run. I’ve got to get out of here!
Charlotte: You’d better do some serious Soul-searching before you decide to Leave Kerry at the altar. It would be a Life-altering experience for her and for you. She may never Get over it.
Chris: You’re right, but what can I do? If I Go through with this, I may Regret it for the rest of my life.
Charlotte: Sit down and Stay put. I’m going to get someone who’ll Set you straight.
Chris: Who?
Charlotte: Kerry!
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Having Doubts About Getting Married