It was 2 o’clock in the morning when my wife woke me up. She is eight-and-a-half months Pregnant and she told me that her Water had broken. She said that she was having Contractions and she was sure that she was In labor. I Paged our doctor and drove to the hospital.
When we arrived, we went straight to the Maternity ward. I went to the Reception desk, and told the clerk that my wife was in labor and needed to be Admitted right away. The nurse asked me for my Insurance card and gave me three forms to fill out. She said that someone would take my wife into the Birthing suite soon.
The doctor arrived and she examined my wife. She told us that this wasn’t False labor And that my wife was pretty Far along. After a lot of pushing, the baby came out Head first, not Breech, and it was healthy.
I was so Relieved I couldn’t stop hugging my wife. Then, I hugged the doctor, and the nurse, and the Janitor!
Families conflicts.
Краткая биография пушкина на английском языке.
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