Danny: Have you been following the Schirru case?
Carol: Yeah, I have. I think he’s Guilty.
Danny: You’re kidding, right? He’s Innocent and this is a Show trial. The District attorney is conducting a Witch-hunt for his own Political Ambitions.
Carol: No, he’s not. It is a High-profile case, but that’s only because he wants To make an example of Schirru. People like him should be off the streets. Putting him in jail sends a message to other Criminals.
Danny: What kind of message?
Carol: The message that the government is Cracking down.
Danny: I think it’s just Grandstanding and Schirru is being made a Sacrificial lamb.
Carol: You can believe what you like, but I think it’s great that the district attorney is Taking a stand.
Danny: Yes, but he seems to be doing it At the expense of real Justice.
Carol: Not From where I’m standing.
Danny: Then you need to find a new place to stand – preferably one without Blind spots.
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