В топике Стюардесса я делюсь своей мечтой – стать стюардессой. Эта профессия привлекает меня потому, что я смогу посмотреть новые страны и познакомиться с людьми разных национальностей. Для того чтобы стать стюардессой, нужно хорошо знать английский язык. Кроме того, стюардесса должна быть всегда доброжелательна и вежлива с пассажирами, уметь подать еду и напитки и еще должна знать, как поступать в аварийной ситуации.
Hi! My name is Ludmila and i wanna tell you about profession of my dream. I always dreamed to become a flight attendant. I found this profession interesting, romantic. I don’t know why i like this profession so much, maybe someone from my ancestors were connected with aviation. I wanna adjust this profession in future. I’m sure that only this profession gives me a lot of memorable impressions.
I understand that i don’t wanna do anything else. Only this profession can bring me happiness, and i will say that i have found place in my life. It is perfect when you adore your job, isn’t it?
I think flight attendant post is not hard. Of course you have to know foreign languages, basically English. You have to be friendly, polite with passengers, contact with them. Flight attendant have to greet and to see of passengers. Flight attendant have to demonstrate emergency procedures, serve food, beverages and maybe sell duty-free goods.
This profession gives you opportunity to travel and see new places, communicate with people of different nationalities. That is why i wanna fly, i wanna to become a flight attendant.
My favourite holiday.
Британские писатели.
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Flight attendant