Feeling Restless and Jumpy
Adam: Sit still and stop Bouncing your leg like that!
Ellen: Sorry, I didn’t realize I was doing it. I’m just a little jittery.
Adam: Well, try to Chill out. We’re supposed to be studying and your Restlessness is Distracting.
Ellen: I can’t help it. I’m like this because I had a lot of coffee. That’s the only way I can do an All-nighter.
Adam: But how can you study when you’re Fidgeting all the time? Stop Tapping your pen on the table!
Ellen: Sorry. It’s either I’m Worked up or I fall asleep, and tomorrow’s test is a Make-or-break one for me. I’ve got to do well.
Adam: I don’t see how you can get any studying done when you’re Strung out on Caffeine. You’re so Jumpy and I think you’re starting To twitch. Why don’t you try To counteract the caffeine by drinking lots of water?
Ellen: Do you know how long it took me to get this Keyed up? I’m not doing anything to reduce the effects.
Adam: Fine.
Ellen: Hey, where are you going?
Adam: Anywhere But here!
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