My roommate, Jim, invited me over to his house for a family meal. I’m an only child, so I’m not used to a big family dinner. I felt like a Fish out of water.
Jim’s mother: Sit down, everybody. Dinner’s ready.
Phil: Thank you for Having me over, Mrs. Moreno.
Jim’s mother: Don’t mention it. Just sit down and eat. Jim, Pass the potatoes, and Dana, don’t Hog the peas. Hand them both to Phil.
Phil: Thank you, Mrs. Moreno, but I’ve already taken a Helping of each Dish.
Jim’s mother: Then you need to have Seconds. You’re too skinny. Eat up!
Phil: This food is really good, but I don’t think I have the Appetite for more. My plate is already Overloaded.
Jim’s mother: All right, no more potatoes or peas, but you need more ham. Laura, Serve Phil some more ham, and Jason, Round up some more rolls.
Phil: No, no, please. I really couldn’t eat more than what’s already on my plate.
Jim’s mother: Don’t be ridiculous. I know you’re Saving room for dessert. There’s an apple pie, a strawberry shortcake, a cheesecake, and some ice cream.
I now know why Jim only comes home for meals Every once in a while. Eating like this more than once a week would give anybody a Coronary!
Мое хобби танцы на английском.
Достопримечательности сша на английском языке.
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Eating a Family Dinner