Andy: Well, it’s happened.
Marjorie: What’s happened?
Andy: The U. S. has placed Diplomatic and Economic sanctions on McQuillanland. It’s about time! The McQuillanland government has Violated international law for the last time!
Marjorie: That’s great, but what does it really mean?
Andy: Well, it means that all High-level talks between the U. S. and McQuillanland have been Called off, and the U. S. Embassy is closing.
Marjorie: That sounds serious.
Andy: You bet it is, and that’s just the beginning. With economic sanctions, there’ll be serious consequences for business and Trade. There’ll be an Embargo on U. S. companies doing business there, and there’ll be a Naval blockade to enforce it.
Marjorie: Wow, the McQuillanlanders have really done it this time.
Andy: They have. What made them think they could Thumb their noses at us and Get away with it?
Marjorie: I have no idea, but they’re about to find out what the Repercussions are when they Flout international law!
Моя биография на английском.
Мое любимое блюдо.
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Diplomatic and Economic Sanctions