Blaire: Do you have any idea what he’s saying?
Antonio: It’s Greek to me. You’re supposed to be the one who’s Fluent. Can’t you Make out what he’s saying?
Blaire: I never said I was fluent. I said I could Get by in the language. There’s a big difference.
Antonio: Why don’t you try saying something to him?
Blaire: What should I say?
Antonio: How about, “I don’t Have a good command of the language. Could you please speak more slowly?”
Blaire: I don’t think speaking more slowing will help my Comprehension. Besides, I only know a few Stock phrases, and even those I can only say Haltingly, if I don’t Freeze up altogether.
Antonio: Give me the Phrase book. I’ll see if I can Get through to him.
Blaire: What are you going to say?
Antonio: I don’t know, but we’re two fairly Articulate people. We should be able To cobble together a few sentences To get our point across, don’t you think?
Blaire: Okay, I’ll Follow your lead, but, um, just don’t say anything insulting…like last time.
Antonio: Are you Bringing that up again?! It’s not my fault that the entire town Misinterpreted what I said! I was trying to compliment the women, not insult them.
Blaire: Tell that to the men who Ran you out of town!
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