Remi: We need to get these Costumes sorted out. I’m not sure we have ones that will fit each person in this Play.
Bryan: Let’s see. We need a shirt for Hector. He’s Broad-shouldered, so this one would be too small. Any luck finding one over there?
Remi: No, but I think I found a dress for Lee Ann. She’s Petite and Thin, and I hadn’t been able to find anything that would fit someone that Slender. All of the other dresses are for women with either Pear-shaped or Hourglass figures.
Bryan: Okay, at least that’s some progress. What about Malcolm? Unlike his brother who is tall and Skinny, he’s big and fat. How are we going to find one to fit him?
Remi: He’s not fat! He’s Stocky. He is really Muscular and not at all Flabby. Oh, here’s a pair of pants that would fit Pierre. These are perfect, since he’s not Long-legged like all of the other men.
Bryan: We’re actually doing pretty well, I think.
Remi: We just need a costume for you.
Bryan: Me?! What do you mean? I’m not in this play.
Remi: Oh yes, you are. Ike Dropped out, so they need a Replacement and you’re the only one who isn’t already in the play.
Bryan: Oh, no. I thought I could avoid being in the play by volunteering to help with the costumes!
Remi: Sorry, but I don’t think you can Get out of it this time.
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