Fredo: I feel like a Prisoner in my own home! I can’t step outside without the Paparazzi snapping pictures of me. They Stake out my house 24 hours a day.
Amanda: I suppose that’s The price of fame. You do have the most popular podcast in the world.
Fredo: But they’re such a Pain in the neck! They don’t just take pictures. They Chase me in my car and follow me into restrooms, trying To corner me. It’s an Invasion of privacy.
Amanda: You’re right, but Look on the bright side. The paparazzi give you plenty of Exposure. They keep your name – and your face – In the spotlight.
Fredo: It would be fine if they just took a few Candid shots while I’m at dinner or at the store, but they try to take photos when I’m out of town, trying To catch me doing something I shouldn’t.
Amanda: At least, that’s good news for your wife. She can Call off that Private detective she hired to follow you from city to city!
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Dealing With the Paparazzi