Our world is like Fairyland, where you can come across miracles of life. Everything surprises you by its simplicity. And everything charms you. You should not be afraid of experiments, because experiments help you to make your life better. Everything must be all right, if you try to change something in your life! You should just believe it! It is not as difficult to change your image as it seems to you. You can find a lot of information about styles of life in magazines.
I suppose, everybody thinks about beauty and youth in our life. This idea enslaves people`s minds. Only the time is to blame for the disaster! People are always ready to stop it, but, unfortunately, we can`t stop it. And there is no keeping up with the time of youth. Usually people change their appearance to look younger than they are. The vast majority of people are ready to try every possible means to outstrip the time. Faust, one of my favourite heroes, sold his soul in order to find his youth again.
But, fortunately, there is a lot of easy ways or methods that show us how to cope with this problem.
Your new hairdo may change your appearance immensely, improve your mood, cheer you up, and even change your point of view of the world where you live.
Sometimes the colourful make-up of the new season may gladden you by means of its brightness. It can change your mood. And when you are in a good mood, you will feel younger than you are, and you will be full of strength.
I would also like to mention that beauty and talent are the power that can be compared to the beauty of Niagara Falls, I suppose. First of all, a person should change his or her mind and then the appearance will be changed by the influence of your mind. Don`t you agree with me?!
And I`d like to say some words about Nataliya Ionova who has a pseudonym, Glyukoza. She is a famous singer. As for her image, she likes to wear different types of clothes. What clothes to wear depends on her mood. But most of all she likes to wear sport clothes because when you wear them, you feel comfortable. She likes to highlight herself from the crowd of people.
So, I should say that not only beauty can help you to change your appearance, but also hairdo, make-up, and your own feeling about youth. There is not anything impossible in the world. Everything is at out fingertips!
Комната моей мечты на английском с переводом.
Чем я занимаюсь в свободное время сочинение на английском.
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Changing the appearance — Меняем внешность