Counselor: Welcome everybody. You’ve all joined this Support group because you have some Bad habits that you’d like To break. Would anyone like to introduce themselves and tell us about their bad habit?
Stu: Uh yeah, I’m Stu and my wife Signed me up for this support group because she says I have some really bad habits. One of my worst is my Nail biting. You can see that they’re pretty Ragged.
Counselor: Thank you, Stu. Is there anyone else…?
Stu: Oh yeah, I also Smack my gum. That drives my wife crazy, so I try not to do it In her presence.
Counselor: Well, thanks for Sharing, Stu. If we could Move on to…
Stu: I also Tend to tap my fingers and Crack my joints, which my wife says is really Annoying, though her Hair twirling Is pretty annoying to me.
Counselor: Stu? Let’s let a few other people…
Stu: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention what my wife says is my most annoying bad habit.
Counselor: What is that?
Stu: I tend To interrupt people in conversation.
Counselor: Really? I hadn’t noticed.
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Breaking Bad Habits