Nancy: Isn’t this a great time of year? Families get together over the holidays.
Yasmani: Maybe it’s nice for some families, but I Dread my family Get-togethers.
Nancy: How come?
Yasmani: I have a big family and there has always been a lot of Sibling rivalry.
Nancy: I’m sure that was true when you were growing up, but you’ve all Grown out of it, haven’t you?
Yasmani: Not us. The Firstborn still thinks he’s In charge, the Middle children still Act up to get attention, and the Baby of the family is still Rebellious.
Nancy: That’s true in a lot of families.
Yasmani: Yes, but when we get together, we compete To show up the others. We Brag, argue, and Nitpick. It’s rather Pathetic, actually.
Nancy: How do your parents handle all that?
Yasmani: They’ve always Left us to our own devices. We just fight it out amongst ourselves.
Nancy: So, there’s no loving Bond between the siblings.
Yasmani: Oh, we love each other, but we compete with other, too. It’s complicated.
Nancy: Then I should be glad to be an Only child?
Yasmani: That’s right. Count your blessings!
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Birth Order and Sibling Rivalries