Being Clean and Dirty

Ray: My mother is coming for a visit, which means we need to do some Spring cleaning this weekend.

Debra: I’ll get the Duster, if you’ll get the Broom.

Ray: I’m serious. You know how Nit-picky my mother is and I want our house to be Neat and tidy.

Debra: Fine, fine, I understand. You don’t want her to know we live in a Pigsty.

Ray: I’m not saying we live in a pigsty, but the house is a little Messy and Dusty. It wouldn’t hurt To straighten up a little bit, that’s all.

Debra: I’m willing To pitch in, but I’m not going to spend the entire weekend Slaving away to get this house Spotless. Your mother won’t love you any less if you’re not a Neat freak.

Ray: You don’t know my mother very well.

Debra: I know her Well enough. I don’t want To spoil her fun. If she can’t Complain about our dirty house, what will she complain about?

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Being Clean and Dirty