Susan: Hey, Jack, you’re an Attorney. Do you know anything about DUIs?
Jack: Sure, I’ve Handled a few DUI Cases.
Susan: I was just wondering about the Penalties for a DUI.
Jack: Well, if it’s a First offense, you’ll be Fined and may be placed on Probation. You’ll need to attend DUI school, and your license will be Restricted, which means you can only drive to and from work and to and from DUI school.
Susan: That sounds serious, but what if it’s not your first offense?
Jack: Then the penalties get even more serious. With your second offense, you’ll probably do Mandatory jail time, anywhere from 96 hours to a year, depending on the circumstances. Your Driver’s license will be Suspended, and you’ll be placed on probation for several years.
Susan: Those are some Severe penalties. But what if you already have two DUIs?
Jack: Then you’ll get several months in jail, at least. Your license will be Revoked and you may be required to go into an Alcohol treatment program. Why are you asking me all of these questions? You’re not in trouble, are you?
Susan: No, I’m not. I just met a guy and I really like him, but I think he just got his third DUI.
Jack: If that isn’t Deterrent enough, you may think about what kind of relationship you can have with him – from Behind bars!
Music topic english.
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Being Cited for a DUI