Being a Strict Parent
Allison: I’m almost ready for my granddaughter’s visit. She’ll be here tomorrow and I want everything to be perfect.
Ola: What do you have planned?
Allison: I’m going To spoil her rotten. My daughter is very Strict and doesn’t allow her to do anything that a normal 10-year-old wants to do.
Ola: Like what?
Allison: Well, her time is very Structured and Regimented. She’s never allowed any time for just Frivolous fun.
Ola: And you’re Taking off the shackles.
Allison: That’s right. She can play as much as she wants to for the next week. I don’t want her To miss out on any experiences just because her mother is Overprotective. There will be no Curfews and no time schedules.
Ola: Are you sure that’s a good idea? I’m sure your daughter has instructions about how your granddaughter should behave and the Punishments she should get if she Misbehaves.
Allison: You’re right about that. I’m expecting a long list of rules for my granddaughter while she’s here, but she shouldn’t expect me To toe the line. I’m the grandmother after all, so I have special Privileges. Nobody tells me what to do with my own granddaughter.
Ola: How did a Free spirit like you end up with a daughter who is so Uptight?
Allison: Beats me.
Ola: She’s not going to thank you for spoiling her daughter, you know.
Allison: I know, but I’m Her mother and there’s still A thing or two I can teach her about raising a daughter!





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