[give one’s right arm for] {v. phr.} To give something of greatvalue; sacrifice. During our long hike in the desert, I would havegiven my right arm for an ice cold drink.
[lump sum] {n.} The complete amount; a total agreed upon and to bepaid at one time. The case was settled out of court with theplaintiff receiving a lump sum of half a million dollars
Идиома: make a note of something Перевод: записать что-либо, сделать заметку о чем-либо Пример: I made a note of the people that I was going to phone on the weekend. Я записал имена людей,
[make a scene] {v. phr.} To act hysterically; attract unfavorableattention. I didn’t want Kate to make a scene in front of all ofthose people, so I gave her the money she wanted.
[into line] {adv. phr.} 1. Into agreement. The department’sspending was brought into line with the budget. 2. Under control. Independent congressmen were brought into line by warnings that jobsfor their friends would be kept
Идиома: wait with bated breath Перевод: ждать, затаив дыхание Пример: I waited with bated breath for the results of my exams. Я ждал результатов экзаменов, затаив дыхание.
[taking pictures] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {citizen’s band radio jargon}To use a radar-operated speed indicator in order to enforce the 55 MPHspeed limit. The Smokeys are taking pictures!
Идиома: go Dutch Перевод: платить каждому за себя (в паре, в группе, в коллективе) Пример: The two young people always go Dutch when they go on a date. Эти двое молодых людей всегда платят
[go out of one’s way] {v. phr.} To make an extra effort; do morethan usual. Jane went out of her way to be nice to the new girl. Don did not like Charles, and
[bed of roses] or [bowl of cherries] {n. phr.} A pleasant easy place, job, or position; an easy life. A coal miner’s job is not a bed of roses. After nine months of school,