Значение идиомы trade-in

[trade-in] {n.} Something given as part payment on somethingbetter. The dealer took our old car as a trade-in. – Often usedlike an adjective. We cleaned up the car at trade-in time.

Перевод идиомы draw blood, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: draw blood Перевод: пускать кровь; разозлить кого-либо Пример: The politician was very careful not to draw blood during the debate. Политик был очень внимателен, чтобы не разозлить своего оппонента во время дебатов.

Значение идиомы by

[by] or [in my book] {adv. phr.} In my opinion; as far as I am concerned; in my judgement. By my book, Mr. Murgatroyd is not a very good department head.

Перевод идиомы bring to mind, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: bring to mind Перевод: напомнить Пример: Her acting brought to mind some of the great actresses of the past. Ее игра напомнила о некоторых великих актрисах прошлого.

Значение идиомы in round figures

[in round figures] {adv. phr.} As an estimated number; as arounded-off figure containing no decimals or fractions. Skip thecents and just tell me in round figures how much this car repair willcost.

Значение идиомы far and wide

[far and wide] {adv. phr.} Everywhere, in all directions. Thewind blew the papers far and wide. My old school friends arescattered far and wide now. The movie company looked far and widefor a boy

Значение идиомы let it all hang out

[let it all hang out] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} Not todisguise anything; to let the truth be known. Sue can’t deceiveanyone; she just lets it all hang out.

Значение идиомы straw boss

[straw boss] {n.} 1. The boss of a few workers who is himself underanother boss or foreman. The straw boss told Jim he would have tosee the foreman about a job. 2, A man

Значение идиомы out of step

[out of step] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in step; not matchingstrides or keeping pace with another or others. George alwaysmarches out of step with the music. 2. Out of harmony; not keepingup.

Значение идиомы beat to the punch

[beat to the punch] or [beat to the draw] {v. phr.}, {slang} To do something before another person has a chance to do it. John was going to apply for the job, but Ted
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