[make for] {v.} To go toward; start in the direction of. Thechildren took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond. Thebee got his load of pollen and made for the hive.
[paint oneself into a corner] {v. phr.} To get oneself into a badsituation that is difficult or impossible to get out of. Bypromising to both lower taxes and raise the defense budget, thepresident has
[bet on the wrong horse] {v. phr,}, {informal} To base your plans on a wrong guess about the result of something; misread the future; misjudge a coming event. To count on the small family
[happy hunting ground] {n. phr.} 1. The place where, in AmericanIndian belief, a person goes after death; heaven. The Indiansbelieved that at death they went to the happy hunting ground. 2.{informal} A place or
[blow in] {v.}, {slang} To arrive unexpectedly or in a carefree way. The house was already full of guests when Bill blew in. Compare SHOW UP.
[single out] {v. phr.} To select or choose one from among many. There were a lot of pretty girls at the high school prom but Donimmediately singled out Sally.
[weather the storm] {v. phr.} To survive some disaster. WhenPeter and Sue started their business they had very little money, butin a year they weathered the storm.
[see one’s way clear] {v. phr.} To know no reason for not doingsomething; feel that you are free. John finally saw his way clearto help his friends. Mary had to do her homework and
[take apart] {v. phr.} To dismantle; disassemble. Boys liketaking radios and watches apart, but they seldom know how to put themback together again.
[do tell] {interj.}, {informal} An inelegant expression used to show that you are a little surprised by what you hear. “You say George is going to get married after all these years? Do tell!”