[throw out of gear] {v. phr.} 1. To separate the gears of when you want to stop it. When John wanted tostop, he threw the car out of gear and braked sharply. 2. To
Идиома: take it easy on someone or something Перевод: быть помягче в отношении кого-либо или чего-либо; не злоупотреблять чем-либо в отношении чего-либо или кого-либо Пример: I tried to take it easy on the sugar
[caught short] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not having enough of something when you need it. Mrs. Ford was caught short when the newspaper boy came for his money a day early. The man was caught
[tie-up] {n.} A congestion; a stoppage of the normal flow oftraffic, business or correspondence. There was a two-hour traffictie-up on the highway. No pay checks were delivered because of themail service tie-up.
[matter-of-fact] {adj.} 1. Simply telling or showing the truth; notexplaining or telling more. The newspaper gave a matter-of-factaccount of the murder trial. 2. Showing little feeling or excitementor trouble; seeming not to care much.
[urban homesteading] {n.}, {informal} Renovation and occupationthrough cooperative ownership by tenants of previously abandoned cityapartment buildings. Urban homesteading is on the rise in many bigAmerican cities these days.
[variety store] {n.} A store that sells many different kinds ofthings, especially items that are fairly small and in everyday use. I went into a variety store and bought some paint. Five-and-tencent stores are
Идиома: make good Перевод: поступить так, как обещано; выполнить обещанное Пример: I want you to make good on your promise. Я хочу, чтобы ты сделал то, что обещал.
Идиома: on pins and needles Перевод: как на иголках; взволнованный, беспокойный Пример: The girl has been on pins and needles all day waiting for the contest to begin. Девушка весь день была как на
[like hell] {adv.}, {slang}, {vulgar}, {avoidable} 1. With greatvigor. As soon as they saw the cops, they ran like hell. 2.{interj.} Not so; untrue; indicates the speaker’s lack of belief inwhat he heard. Like