[four corners] {n.} All parts of a place. People came from thefour corners of the world to see him. He has been to the fourcorners of the country. Compare: ALL OVER.
[sink in] or [soak in] {v.}, {informal} To be completelyunderstood; be fully realized or felt. Everybody laughed at thejoke but Joe; it took a moment for it to sink in before he laughedtoo. When
[slip through one’s fingers] {v. phr.} To escape without someone’sknowing how. Policemen surrounded the building, but the thiefmanaged to slip through their fingers. Mike earns a good wage, buthe doesn’t save a penny. Money
[leg to stand on] {n. phr.} A firm foundation of facts; facts tosupport your claim. – Usually used in the negative. Jerry’sanswering speech left his opponent without a leg to stand on. Amossued for
Идиома: all thumbs Перевод: не уметь чинить, ремонтировать, работать руками; быть неуклюжим Пример: My friend is all thumbs when he fixes things around his house. У моего друга не получается ничего отремонтировать по дому.
Идиома: (get) on one’s high horse Перевод: вести себя высокомерно или с презрением; считать себя умнее или лучше других Пример: When he gets carried away he gets on his high horse and thinks that
[pass away] {v.} 1. To slip by; go by; pass. We had so much funthat the weekend passed away before we realized it. Forty yearshad passed away since they had met. 2. To cease
Идиома: the birds and the bees Перевод: “пестики и тычинки”, способ говорить об отношениях полов в образовательных целях Пример: The father tried to tell his son about the birds and the bees. Отец пытался
[tough luck] {n. phr.} An informal way to say that one had thatcoming; it serves one right. So your date didn’t show up, eh? Toughluck, fellow.
[down the line] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. Down the road or street; straight ahead. The church is down the line a few blocks. 2. All the way; completely; thoroughly. Bob always follows the teacher’s