An unnamed Bayern Munich star has been banned from practising controversial religion Scientology by his sponsors adidas.
German daily Der Spiegel revealed details of the contract that the player had signed with the sportswear giants back in 2008, which would net him €400,000.
However, clauses in the agreement explained Adidas could terminate the deal if the player committed any number of offences, including taking drugs, or if they’belonged to any organisation or association which represents the principles of L. Ron Hubbard.’
When asked about that clause, adidas replied:’Diversity and tolerance are fundamental values of the adidas Group. Scientology and other such organisations are incompatible with this… this is a standard clause in our contracts. It’s not about individual athletes.’
Pick the brains of.
Лев толстой на английском биография.
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Adidas forbids Bayern Munich star to practise Scientology