A Fight
Ginger: I can’t believe it. You’re late again!
Fred: I got Caught up at work. What are you so Worked up about?
Ginger: I’ve Had it up to here with your Excuses. If you knew you were going to be late, why didn’t you call? We’ve Been over this a hundred times.
Fred: There wasn’t time to call. And plus, what’s the big deal? I’m just a little late.
Ginger: A little late? You’re an hour late! You are so Inconsiderate sometimes…[sigh]…You look tired.
Fred: Yeah, I am. Look, I’m late and I was inconsiderate. Let’s not let it Ruin our evening.
Ginger: Okay, I’m sorry. Maybe I Overreacted. I know you’ve been really busy at work.
Fred: I’m the one who’s sorry. I should have called. Will you let me Make it up to you?
Ginger: You don’t have to. I shouldn’t Nag.
Fred: You weren’t nagging. Let’s go get something to eat. We’ll both feel better with some food in our stomachs.
Ginger: Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go.
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